Thursday, May 27, 2010

InkBoat sets sail with 'Crazy Cloud Collection'

Fans of Japanese children's TV and manga comics may have already heard of the Buddhist monk Ikkyu Sojun, the roguish, unconventional mischief-maker known as Crazy Cloud. With 'The Crazy Cloud Collection' - which butoh dance and experimental theater troupe inkBoat will premiere this weekend at Theater Artaud - Shinichi Iova-Koga and Ko Murobushi explore the complexity of the human experience through the story of this 15th century poet and monk.

Once a photographer and filmmaker, Iova-Koga's metier is storytelling through visceral imagery; butoh master Murobushi was a student of Tatsumi Hijikata, considered a founder of the butoh tradition. If Murobushi carries on Hijikata's legacy, then Iova-Koga, as well as inkBoat, the company he founded in 1998, is an integral part of the generation that takes butoh in a new direction, a fusion of the form with experimental theater and improvisation. As Iova-Koga and his company set off to Florida to develop the work with Murobushi, we talked about the nature of the collaboration.

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