Sunday, November 20, 2011

LEVYdance review: Sweet and surprising 'Romp'

Dance can move you, excite you, even delight, but it's hard to really surprise an audience these days, to keep them guessing. LEVYdance captures that exhilarating feeling that anything could happen with "Romp," which the three-member company - Benjamin Levy, Melodie Casta and Scott Marlowe - premiered on Thursday night at Z Space at Theater Artaud.

An audience of about 100 fits onto the stage of Artaud, where chairs have been arranged in small clusters evenly throughout the space. It creates a maze of cleverly arranged pathways, and before you can even register that the piece has begun, the performers, in street clothes, have inserted themselves into the maze dancing a high-octane folk dance to the music of Brass Menazerie. Bodies fly past your feet, arms swoop over your head, and hips gyrate in a thumping, joyous opening that fits neatly into the interstices of the audience arrangement, just barely missing actual physical contact by centimeters. Keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times.

LEVYdance review: Sweet and surprising 'Romp'...

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