Wednesday, May 16, 2012

'Les Miserables' by Oakland School for the Arts

"Timely and inspiring."

That's how teacher Michael Berry-Berlinski describes "Les Miserables," the popular musical by Claude-Michel Schonberg, which the students of the Oakland School for the Arts will perform Thursday at the Scottish Rite Auditorium in Oakland.

Based on Victor Hugo's 1862 novel recounting the student uprisings in Paris in the 19th century, "Les Miserables" follows the interwoven stories of the heroic Jean Valjean, the relentless Javert, who pursues him, the tragic Fantine and her daughter Cosette, and the idealistic student Marius.

"It's a story for all time, as appropriate now as it was years ago," says Berry-Berlinski. "The youth of a nation standing up and fighting for a cause - something that resonates with young people today, especially here in Oakland."

'Les Miserables' by Oakland School for the Arts

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